Contact: Trevor Lynch (Maitland HealthStays)

Phone Number: 0412349518
Specialist: David Kirchner
Ticket Created: September 18, 2024
Status: Open
Dear David I am a member of The Rotary Club of East Maitland NSW and Chair of Maitland HealthStays Limited. Details of our ambitious project is summarized below. We are relying at present on getting significant funding from the Federal Government and have a strong commitment, but not guaranteed, from our local member, and we expect to need to supplement that with significant funding from corporate bodies and philanthropists. Our need is to find a way to tap into these sources. I hope you can help. I’m happy to chat to give you a better understanding Land and Stage one build estimated costing is $8.4m Summary Maitland HealthStays Limited – Maitland Hospital Accommodation (A Rotary Clubs of Maitland Project) ABN: 96 648 398 878 The new Maitland Hospital at Metford is driving change in the East Maitland NSW area and will be the centrepiece of a medical precinct. As well as the hospital this precinct already includes private medical service providers and there is increasing interest in a range of other developments in the area. The new hospital is designed to provide new and existing services not only for the Maitland Community but for patients from well beyond the Maitland Local Government area. The new hospital and other medical providers in the area do not have any overnight accommodation for: outpatients who might need to stay for treatment or for their loved ones and carers. Some may require accommodation for one night or for ongoing daily treatment such as chemotherapy/radiotherapy and need an extended stay over several weeks. The Rotary Clubs of Maitland Sunrise, Maitland, Green Hills and East Maitland have combined with other local volunteers to work to provide affordable, financially self-sustaining, quality accommodation in a caring environment for patients and their carers from outside the Maitland LGA. Similar accommodation facilities are provided at many hospitals across NSW including Port Macquarie, Albury, Wagga Wagga, Lismore and Dubbo, to name some of them. All these similar accommodation facilities have been set up by Rotary Clubs, other service clubs and volunteers from their local communities. The Maitland Rotary Clubs have established a separate charity, a company limited by guarantee, Maitland HealthStays Limited. It is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) with full Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) allowing donations to be tax deductible. The project has received strong support from other Rotary clubs and the business community with many offering to assist as the need arises. Maitland HealthStays has a “Call Option Deed” on land close to the hospital on which to build the facility and has a firm commitment from our local Federal Member to seek funding for its purchase and to assist with paying for the building. Plans are being finalised and a Development Application is being prepared so the project will be “shovel ready” once Stage one is fully funded. HealthStays will need the financial backing of both Federal and State Governments, as well as sponsorship support from businesses and philanthropists. This is a large ambitious project that will not only provide support for patients and carers who need accommodation near the hospital at a difficult time in their lives but will be a quality example of local Rotarians and the Maitland Community serving people in need. Visit Maitland HealthStays website for more information and to meet the management team. Other similar, and already well-established Regional Accommodation Providers are listed on below Trevor Lynch, Director Maitland HealthStays Limited (A Rotary Clubs of Maitland Project) C/- 42 Robert Street Tenambit NSW 2323 | Phone +61 412 349 518 | 12 July 2024 Other Regional Accommodation Providers with similar facilities to those planned for Maitland (They all have websites) Hilltop Albury Lilier Lodge Wagga Wagga Rotary Lodge Port Macquarie Macquarie Home Stay Dubbo Our House Lismore

One Response

  1. Rotarian Trevor Lynch in our telephone conversation outlined the “bones” of the above ambitious health care project at the Maitland Hospital for which Stage One alone will require $8.4M in funding. Trevor advised the project is heavily reliant upon sourcing funding from Federal & State Governments, as well as acquiring strong support from private companies. This issue in Maitland is commonplace throughout Regional Australia. ie There are inadequate accommodation options for the families / friends / carers of people from outlying regions who often travel considerable distances to bring patients to the hospital, and who wish to stay close by during the period the ill person is required to stay at, or nearby, to the hospital.

    This enquiry was apparently directed to myself because of my past experience / successes with attracting corporate sponsorship for Rotary fundraising activities. I immediately informed Trevor that I had never taken on a project of this magnitude, and as a consequence I would only be able to provide general insight about techniques which might be adopted to generate genuine appeal to prospective sponsors. In regards to approaching both State & Federal Governments, I could only provide the advice to form strong relationships with the local government representatives, and to take advantage of upcoming election sequences. It appeared to me that Trevor’s fellow project team was already addressing this approach. The problem being the perpetual one of getting Governments to honour their pledges, once the election is behind them. Public shaming being one commonly used with varying degrees of success. The fact that Maitland is reportedly the fastest growing city in NSW surprised me, but which is something the project team needs to stress / take advantage of as it advances the project beyond the design phase, for which it has already successfully sourced $200K of funding.

    I felt I was able to provide some assistance in the pursuit of corporate sponsorship. eg The private land parcel (4000m2) the Project Team is looking to develop as the accommodation hub is owned by the largest developer in the Hunter Valley. This company will therefore have a proven track record for successfully completing projects delivering services to needy communities. They will wish to protect their reputation and this could provide considerable leverage to the Rotary team for discounted land purchase arrangements and subsequent facility growth / expansion. I further suggested that since the project is in the health arena, there may be opportunities for funding within the avenues provided by The Rotary Foundation and Australian Rotary Health. Particular items of required equipment may have direct association with companies which operate in that sphere. eg an MRI etc

    This type of project has been undertaken in many other cities across Australia and some are listed at the bottom of the submission Trevor lodged in the Hub. My advice in this situation is that no-one should seek to “re-invent the wheel” and talking with the people responsible for prior successful projects should always be sought early on as potential sources of highly relevant information.

    In summary I don’t feel I was able to supply much useful input to assist Trevor walk through the maze that he and his Project Team face in their worthy quest to raise the large amount of funds to provide patient carers support accommodation in Maitland. I do / did however wish Trevor every success in his substantial venture. (My personal rating is 2 out of 5.) I feel this ability to help others would be enhanced through an introduced program of selective training of the chosen Rotary Pacific Specialists.

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