Hello Liz,
I am from the RC Rosebud-Rye in Victoria. Currently, I am the International Director and President-Elect of my club. I also have 13 years experience working in Nepal with traditional musicians and women artists. On the 20th November, I will be escorting five Rotaractors from District 9815 to Nepal to participate in three Rotary-related projects. One of them is painting a mural (based on Rotary’s 7 Areas of Focus) at a school in Kathmandu. Most of the design work is complete and I need some advice regarding compliance. Also, from the mural, we intend to create an activity/colouring book for Interactors to learn about Rotary, in a fun and creative way. This is primarily an opportunity to tell stories and engage /educate the broader public about the good work that Rotary does in the world/ And as you have experience in public relations your advice could be very valuable. Can we please talk? I would also like to show you the working drawings.
Cheers, Sandra
One Response
Spoke with Sandra Rotary Club of Rosebud-Rye in Victoria. It was a compliance issue regarding the use of the logos for the seven areas of focus. I had no idea but after speaking to the staff at RISPPO she contacted Andrew Best.
She is working on a great project in Nepal and will update me for a story.