Hey Gareth,
Will Bassett said you may be able to assist. I recently joined Rotary Redcliffe Sunrise (17821). The club has a functional facebook page. However, their weebly page hasn’t been updated for a couple of years https://rotaryredcliffesunrise.weebly.com/
Maybe the Lite version of ClubRunner is an option. We only have 14 members, so ClubRunner Admin may be overkill. Half our members are ESRAG members and there are another half-dozen ESRAG only members. I’m interested in the Events Calendar, Event Registrations, Friends of the Club Lists and the Sponsorship Module. Rotary-ESRAG are partnering with the Redcliffe Environmental Forum REF to host the ‘Summer Series’ of ‘Environmental Sustainability Community Awareness Presentations’ at the Deception Bay Hub from the 3rd Thursday in September. ClubRunner Lite may be something we can leverage. It would seem ClubRunner is well entrenched across Rotary and you understand how it works. Are you in a position to advise. If so give me a quick call at a time that suits so we can discuss.