I am the current (24-25) Treasurer of The Rotary Club of Bundaberg. I have performed this role several times in the past as well as Sec, Pres.
Our Club wishes to know if there are any guidelines/restrictions on transferring money from the Community Service Account ( In our Club’s case this money is raised almost exclusively from catering at events or running events (Rodeo’s, Agric Field Day) rather than Donations.) to our General Account. Money transferred is used mainly for upkeep/purchase of catering equipment .
Peter Gardiner
2 Responses
Hi Tania,
1. Treasurer of Club wanted to know: if there are any guidelines/restrictions on transferring money from the Community Service Account to our General Account.
2. As a ‘rule of thumb’, clubs can use 10% of their general fundraising for club administration etc. with explanations.
3. Yes
4. Checked RI Bylaws, etc. Own experience, knowledge.
5. 5
6. Not at this stage. Have only had the one enquiry which was right at the outset.
Not sure that general Rotarians can find this Specialist website.
Jo Schilling
Hi Joanne,
I notice the status of your ticket is still open. If you have addressed the enquiry can you please click on the ‘Resolve Ticket’ button and make some notes to assist the pilot in any areas we can improve.
1. Briefly describe the enquiry.
2. What information did you provide to the enquirer?
3. Do you feel you were able to answer the question adequately?
4. Did you require assistance or refer the enquiry to someone else? If so, where did you seek assistance or who did you refer the enquiry to?
5. How would you rate your ability to adequately respond to this enquiry on a scale of 1-5. (One being not able to respond to 5 completely satisfied with the response).
6. As a Rotary Specialist do you require any additional support? If, yes, please provide more details.
Many thanks,
Tania Broadbent