Contact: Mario McDonagh

Phone Number: 0422210726
Specialist: Adrian Gregory
Ticket Created: January 27, 2025
Status: Resolved
Hello Adrian, Mario McDonagh, RCL of Group 4 Adelaide here. Trust you are well. Your the first name on the list and as a fellow Kiwi, I hope you don’t mind me asking for some assistance. Members are moving to another club within my group. The President asked if there is any other paperwork we need to process with District, or do I merely update Club Runner and select these members as transferring from another club when they complete the new clubs membership form? I’d like to also query Club Runner. Does the president update Club Runner for his club or the member update their own profile? Look forward to your reply and trust the weather is kind over there. Best Regards Mario McDonagh

3 Responses

  1. I have passed on Dorothy’s call for to New Zealand representation to DG Jocelyn (Hogg) RID9940, who has an interest in this field and can also pass the message on the the other four NZ DGs.

  2. Kia ora Mario… happy to assist.
    When individual members transfer Clubs the Club being departed and the Club receiving both need to manage it just in ClubRunner, assuming that both have the integration function with RI (effectively the database you’ll see in My Rotary).
    It’s advisable to download a printable copy of the member’s Rotary profile, which can be checked by the member as part of the transfer (s/he may be changing address etc, for example). The Club being departed should ‘terminate membership’ (Rotary tab, change status), giving the reason ‘moved to other club’, and most important click the Notify RI button.
    It should then immediately inform the receiving Club, which can ‘Add member’ on its club listing, using the details, particularly the member’s Rotary ID (hence the downloading of the Profile), which will be recognised by RI – so, again, ‘Notify RI’. Given the Chicago/Australia time difference there can be a time lag before changes appear in My Rotary but not necessarily.
    Re your question about “Does the president update…” my strong advice (I am also D9940 District Exec Secretary) would be that the Club Secretary, perhaps supported by someone in the Club with expertise with CR, should manage the Club’s membership listing – the Secretary will have access rights but with annually changing officers having another source of expertise is always good. While members really should manage their own Profiles, they rarely do!
    The weather is good today, but has been pretty variable… looks hot and sunny over your way though.
    Hope that’s been helpful, all the best
    Nga mihi, Adrian

  3. Kia ora Mario… happy to assist.
    When individual members transfer Clubs the Club being departed and the Club receiving both need to manage it just in ClubRunner, assuming that both have the integration function with RI (effectively the database you’ll see in My Rotary).
    It’s advisable to download a printable copy of the member’s Rotary profile, which can be checked by the member as part of the transfer (s/he may be changing address etc, for example). The Club being departed should ‘terminate membership’ (Rotary tab, change status), giving the reason ‘moved to other club’, and most important click the Notify RI button.
    It should then immediately inform the receiving Club, which can ‘Add member’ on its club listing, using the details, particularly the member’s Rotary ID (hence the downloading of the Profile), which will be recognised by RI – so, again, ‘Notify RI’. Given the Chicago/Australia time difference there can be a time lag before changes appear in My Rotary but not necessarily.
    Re your question about “Does the president update…” my strong advice (I am also D9940 District Exec Secretary) would be that the Club Secretary, perhaps supported by someone in the Club with expertise with CR, should manage the Club’s membership listing – the Secretary will have access rights but with annually changing officers having another source of expertise is always good. While members really should manage their own Profiles, they rarely do!
    The weather is good today, but has been pretty variable… looks hot and sunny over your way though.
    Hope that’s been helpful, all the best
    Nga mihi, Adrian

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