Hello Ross
I’m Madu Bishnu, Regional Council Director – Service Projects & Programmes.
Interact is a part under my portfolio and Timor Leste doesn’t have an Interact club. I would like to initiate one and Rotary Dili President Vahideh Hussaini is extremely keen to have one started right away. She is not knowing the Youth Protection laws and every country under Zone 8 has its own. Vahideh is wanting to know details on Youth Protection Laws and what she needs to do to start the first Interact in Timor Leste
I can be reached by madhubish27@gmail.com and I would like to hear from you so that I can ask Vahideh to be on a zoom call alongwith me and we can take it from there
Thank you
Yours – in – Rotary
Madu Bishnu
Z8 Regional Council Director – Service Projects & Programmes
Past President
E Club of Melbourne