Good morning Will,
My name is John Mackintosh and I’m a member of Greenmeadows Rotary in Napier New Zealand.
Along with representatives from other clubs in our area I met last week with Grant Spackman, our Community Group Leader under the Zone 8 Pilot Scheme. It was a workshop to produce our Rotary Community Growth Plan. We didn’t finalise a plan yesterday but made great progress and will meet again in a few weeks’ time.
One of the resources Grant introduced us to was the list of zone 8 specialists which I see you have joined. I would like to explore whether you could help us.
Our group comprises 11 clubs on the middle part of the east coast of the North Island. 8 clubs are clustered around the twin cities of Napier and Hastings. One club is an hour south by car and the remaining two clubs are north of here. Those two northern clubs are separated from the main cluster by quite difficult terrain.
For many years each club has devised and undertaken its own projects, publicising them as such, but two things came out of our meeting.
The first was a wish to focus on the environment, youth and the community.
The second was to present a common front for Rotary in the region.
The rather hazy idea that we discussed was that a small leadership group of Rotarians would under its own banner publicise all, say, environmental projects devised and run by individual clubs, calling for volunteers for each individual project from other clubs and interested members of the public.
I volunteered to contact those from the specialist panel who may be able to help and wondered whether you might be interested.