Contact: Janine Branson

Phone Number: 021505081
Specialist: Adrian Gregory
Ticket Created: November 9, 2024
Status: Open
Hi Adrian. There are 5 Rotary Clubs in Rotorua, of which i am a member of one. I am also DGN for District 9930 and RCL for 9930-2. Briefly: Rotorua – 97 yrs – lunch meeting, 23 active members, an older group but have some busy members and good projects, has been talk that they are holding in there until there 100th Rotorua West – 59yrs – evening meeting, 26 active members, evening club, many many older members, have 3-4 who do all the work Rotorua North – 40yrs – evening meeting, 23 active members, run a weekly Saturday market but this can have challenges in terms of getting members to get involved in other service projects (this is the club i belong to) Rotorua Sunrise – 37 yrs – breakfast meeting, 31 active members, mid age range, a busy club Rotorua Passport – 4ys, meet monthly, 21 active members, a young vibrant, busy club There has been some general talk about North and West merging however i dont see this of being any benefit to either club. Satellite Club?? Is 5 clubs too many?? Reconfigure North as a Market Club with a focus on that and enlist support from the other clubs? What i am keen to get help on is what are some options worth considering and then how do we progress these.

2 Responses

  1. Hi Adrian, Wyatt from Boylan Point here. I see you intended to respond to the user with an internal message on this page. These are internal messages only, meant to be sent between you and the site admins. Janine will not be able to view your message here. You must reach out to Janine using her email, phone number, or the “contact via email” button at the top right of the help ticket on your help tickets screen. Please report on the status of your interactions with Janine here for record keeping.

  2. Hi Janine, gosh, this is a big ticket question… and my apologies for taking a while to respond, been quite Rotary busy over recent wekends.
    I wonder if we should have a phone conversation about potential opiton and how you might progress them. And just so you know me too, I have been District Exec Secretary for 9940 since the 2022/23 year, I am the architect of a new Rotary Club model, an RCL for that Club, and a Fit For Purpose Coach (hence “busy”). Let me know if you’d like a chat and what time might suit, Adrian

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