Hello Duncan – my name is David Kirchner and I’m a member of the Cairns Sunrise Rotary Club. Like yourself I’ve been selected as a Rotary Specialist, but not in the sphere of Rotary Grants, with which I’ve had zero experience.
However I have today received a telephone enquiry from a Rotarian living in Rockhampton who specifically seeks advice about Global Grants. His name is Wallace Taylor, and his mobile number is 0409 456 115.
Wallace tells me he has 30 years experience working in underdeveloped countries, mostly in Africa. His question is “How does Rotary get some substance into projects in developing countries?”
I use this forum to ask you – are you able to provide advice to Wallace? I don’t have his email address, only the Mob No which I show above.
Regards – David Kirchner
Rotary Specialist & Member of the RC of Cairns Sunrise (Mob: 0419 721 411)