Contact: Clive Bain

Phone Number: 0412006087
Specialist: Antony Greenwood
Ticket Created: September 18, 2024
Status: Resolved
I am from the Rotary Club of Hillarys Wanneroo in Western Australia. We a in the process of expelling a Member because of on going misconduct issues. She was president of a club that folded and together with other Members transferred to our Club. This person has had a long history of not conforming to Rotary discipline and these matters have been dealt with at District level in the past without her actions being curtailed . She joined our Club on the 1st July this year and in this short period caused some problems. In her last Club some very serious matters have come to hand. We have been advised that our Club can’t use those matter as evidence in our action against her. Our letter to her waiting advice is as follows Our question is can we use evidence from her tenure in her old Club. About four years ago the District committee tried to expel her and she threatened taking legal action against Rotary , they dropped the matter. Are in a position to give us advice Clive S Bain PP Rotary Club of Hillarys Wanneroo Inc “Dear Linda Reference – Disciplinary Procedure The Board members met on the 12th August 2024 to discuss your behavior towards other members and your failure to accept the Clubs approach to running the organisation. I as President at our first meeting at the Woodvale Tavern clearly set out the Club is run by the elected board. It was also pointed out that for the Wanneroo board would continue for up to six months as a settling in period, After that time the board positions would be vacant and a new election would take place. The Hillary’s Club was wound up and no longer exists. The Hillarys members were invited in good faith to join the Wanneroo Club. All our members unanimously welcomed this move and have seen it as a positive approach to making one Hillarys -Wanneroo as a beginning of a Rotary Club to do good things. • On Monday night 15th July it was observed by your demeanor that you have not accepted the marriage of the two Clubs. Your reaction to planning of this years Project was far from satisfactory. • On that same night you approached Director of Youth that you wanted the Youth Exchange Programme commenced again. Owen stated to you that this would not be on the agenda . From that point you continued to tell members the project was going to be recommenced. • On Monday 29th July during the meeting held at Conti’s alfresco you continually tried to force the discussion on the Youth Exchange matter when you had been told it was off the agenda. Your attitude to long standing Members was not acceptable to our Club • Further more your grievious manner and discussion with Troy Cove and Teresa Richie in the carpark following the meeting , observed by Troys son Lacland was not acceptable. • On Tuesday the 6th August our treasurer was advised that you were holding Funds or had not authorized the transfer of funds amounting to $18000 . This was 37 days after the closure of the Hillarys Club. • On Monday the ? after the Club meeting you asked member Joan Varian where the $200.000 from Hillary’s had gone, you had not raised this matter myself or Treasure Clive Bain . The amount you spoke of was totally incorrect , and your questioning reflected a degree of mistrust of the Board. • You have questioned ……..the appointment of Edwin M and Teresa R on the yearly planning committee stating they are not part of the Board . As President I appointed these two valuable members because of th Further more your grievious manner and discussion with Troy Cove and Teresa Richie in the carpark following the meeting , was not acceptable.their particular skills . Edwin hold a corporate position with Telstra , a very valuable person to have in our Club. Teresa has demonstrated her enthusiasm to get on with making the “new” Hillarys Wanneroo Club a continuing success. The objects of Rotary and in particular the Four Way Test The Four-Way Test – Of the things we think, say or do: 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? “It is for the above reasons under Section 5 (a)of the Rotary Club of Hillarys Wanneroo Inc the board unaminously have voted to terminate your membership forwith. Section 5 — Termination — Other Causes. (a) Good Cause. The board may terminate the membership of any member who ceases to have the qualifications for club membership or for any good cause by a vote of at least two-thirds of the board members present and voting, at a meeting called for that purpose. The guiding principles for this meeting shall be article 8, section 1; The Four-Way Test; and the high ethical standards of a Rotarian. Under section 65 -Termination -other Causes you may appeal “Appeal. In the event of an appeal, the board shall set a date for the hearing at a regular club meeting held within twenty-one (21) days after receipt of the notice of appeal. At least five (5) days’ written notice of the meeting and its special business shall be given to every member. Only members shall be present when the appeal is heard. The action of the club is final and binding on all parties and shall not be subject to arbitration.”

3 Responses

  1. 1.The Club wished to terminate a member for disciplinary reasons.
    2. I advised on the relevant Rotary Club constitutional and W. A. statutory procedures.
    3. Yes.
    4. I informed Ian Scott of my advice by blind copy for his information.
    5. I rate my knowledge and familiarity with the process requirements at 5.
    6. No.
    Antony Greenwood

  2. 1. The Club wished to terminate a member for disciplinary reasons.
    2. I advised on the composition of the draft letter to the member, and the strict fair procedure to follow.according to the standard Rotary Club constitution.
    3.Yes I was familiar with the all relevant disciplinary requirements.
    4. I informed Ian Scott about the progress
    5. I rate my ability on the procedural rules at 5
    6. No

  3. Hi Antony,

    I notice the status of your ticket is still open. If you have addressed the enquiry can you please click on the ‘Resolve Ticket’ button and make some notes to assist the pilot in any areas we can improve.

    1. Briefly describe the enquiry.
    2. What information did you provide to the enquirer?
    3. Do you feel you were able to answer the question adequately?
    4. Did you require assistance or refer the enquiry to someone else? If so, where did you seek assistance or who did you refer the enquiry to?
    5. How would you rate your ability to adequately respond to this enquiry on a scale of 1-5. (One being not able to respond to 5 completely satisfied with the response).
    6. As a Rotary Specialist do you require any additional support? If, yes, please provide more details.

    Many thanks,

    Tania Broadbent

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